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How to install Sharpei into Shopify
How to install Sharpei into Shopify
María José Marín avatar
Written by María José Marín
Updated this week


  • Create Selling Plan groups and its respective Selling Plans to define the rules for product subscriptions.

  • Inside each Selling Plan you can set up the rules for billing and delivery intervals of the subscription plan you want to build. You'll also be able to add a pricing policy.

  • Assign Selling Plans Groups inside your products in Shopify.

What is the Sharpei Connect app?

The Sharpei Connect app is the plugin designed by Sharpei which will sync directly with your Shopify account. With it you'll be able to create and configure subscription plans for your products called Selling Plans, which will be inside a Selling Plan Group.

After you create your Selling Plans, you'll be able to add them to all the products you want.

What are Selling Plan Groups and Selling Plans?

Selling Plans Groups are composed by the Selling Plans you create.

With a Selling Plan Group you'll be able to create multiple Selling Plans associated to it, which can have different different rules for your subscription. These are added to the products you choose.

Therefore, Selling Plans are the subscription options you can configure and that will be displayed to the customer in the product page and checkout.

Which rules can I set up with a Selling Plan?

In a Selling Plan you can set up and configure the delivery, billing and pricing policies.

The data you configure in the Selling Plans will be the one the customers see.

  • Delivery Policy: Set up delivery intervals; the frequency in which you want the products to be shipped during the subscription, e.g send product every 4 months.

    You can also choose the type of delivery between fixed and recurring.

  • Billing Policy: Set up billing intervals, meaning the frequency in which you want to bill your customers.

    Also, in the billing policy you'll be able to set up the minimum and maximum number of payments for a subscription period.

    The billing policy needs to match the delivery policy.

  • Pricing Policy: Add a discount percentage on the product price for a subscription period.

Install Sharpei Connect

  1. Go to Shopify's marketplace and look for "Sharpei Connect".

  2. Download and install it

  3. Search for Sharpei's Connect App in your Shopify account and pin it.

  4. Click on Start Now to begin creating your Selling Plan Groups.

Create Selling Plan Groups

1. Go to the Sharpei Connect plugin you'll find in 'Apps' inside your Shopify account

Click on 'Start Now'

2. Click on the 'Create Selling Plan Group' button

A page will open for you to fill in the necessary information. You'll be creating the Selling Plan Group alongside a Selling Plan.

*It's mandatory to have at least 1 Selling Plan within a group.

3. Add the Selling Plan Group details:

  • Selling plan Group Name

  • Selling plan Group Options (it's a tag you assign for your group)

  • Selling plan Group Description

4. Create a Selling Plan for your group

Create Selling Plans for your group

  1. Add the Selling Plan Details:

  • Selling Plan Name - this will be customer facing and we recommend it to be reflective of the subscription period you want e.g "Delivery every 2 months, "Delivery every 3 months", "Subscribe for 3 months" etc.

  • Add a Selling Plan description

2. Set up the Delivery Policy for that particular Selling Plan

  • Choose the delivery type - as of today, only the option of 'recurring' is available.

  • Specify the delivery interval.

3. Set up the Billing Policy for that particular Selling Plan

  • Specify the billing interval - the billing interval should be a multiple of the delivery interval.

  • Add a minimum or maximum number of payments to ensure that customers are locked in for a number of payments before cancelling, or do not exceed a set number of payments once subscribed.

You can leave minimum and maximum number of payments in blank.

  • Select billing charge day - as of today, only the option of 'the same days as when the initial order was made' is available.

4. Set up the Pricing Policy for that particular Selling Plan by adding a discount percentage to your products price.

Once you've added your intervals to this selling plan as you'd like, hit the Save button on the upper right side of the page.

Note: You can't create different Selling Plans with the same delivery and billing intervals. Each plan has to have different rules.

Add your Selling Plan Groups to your Products

  1. Go to your products page and select a product which you'd like to add a group.

    🚨 You need to add Selling Plan Groups to your products individually; one at a time

  2. Inside the product, look for the Purchase Options section

  3. Click on Add purchase option and hit on Select existing option.

  • Select Sharpei Connect

  • Choose the Selling Plan Group

  • Click on Complete Setup

Add Sharpei's subscription button in product templates.

Once you've assigned the Selling Plan Group to your products, we need to assign the subscriptions widget to those by creating product templates within your store theme.

🚨 If you're not going to offer subscriptions to all your products, you'll need to duplicate your products templates so that the subscription widget only applies to the products selected.

If you're offering subscriptions for all your products, you don't need to duplicate/create templates.

Duplicate product templates in Shopify

  1. Go to Online Store > Themes Click > Customize

  2. Search for Products in your home page

  3. Select "+ Create template"

  4. Give your new template a unique name - e.g subscription XXX product - and select which existing template you want to base it on.

    Then click on Create Template

  5. In your duplicated product template click on 'Add block' and search in apps for Sharpei's Subscription Product Form and select it.

🚨 Make sure to hide the other cart and quantity buttons so that it only appears Sharpei's widget.

We also recommend leaving the product description below Sharpei's button

6. Save

Assign the subscriptions template to your products

Go to the product you assigned the Selling Plan Group, and inside of it go to the Theme template section. Then use the drop-down menu to select the new template you just created.

To assign templates in bulk, take a look at Shopify's Helpcenter.

Once you've assigned the subscription template to your products, you can check the widget in the product page of your website.

In the drop-down menu the customer will be able to select the option he wants - the Selling Plans within the group - appearing the selling plan name and discount %.

If you create multiple Selling Plans in a group, this is how it'll look:

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