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Wordpress plugin installation

Wordpress plugin install

Lucia clifford avatar
Written by Lucia clifford
Updated over a week ago


After a long wait, we have launched our wordpress plugin, the plugin allows you to integrate Sharpei in your Woocommerce Shop in seconds.

Here are the instructions 🦍

  1. Download our plugin through this link. (coming soon - straight from WordPress plugin search)

2. Install the plugin on your site.

Navigate to plugins - Add new plugin - look for the zip file and choose the file. (please do not unzip it wont work if you do)

Press on "Install" and then on "Activate Plugin"

3. Yey, you have already installed the plugin but now we have to configure it.

If you have installed it successfully you will notice a Sharpei tab on the left-hand side.

Press on that and you will be presented with a page that is expecting the "API KEY", please check our other Article to find where that is although the instructions are already in the plugin:

Copy the API Key and paste it on the top navigation and press "Save" and... Voilá 🪇🪇🪇 Installed, this will automatically load the relevant scripts on your product page for the button to show.

Please note: We don't have a stock and catalogue integration (yet) so you will have to upload those to Sharpei for the button to show in your site.

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